Installation and controls for: "Out of The Sun"------------------------->
Welcome to Domark's demo of their hot new flight sim "Out of The Sun." Out of the Sun is Domark's second sim in our Advanced Sim Series line. Look for Flying Nightmares, the first game available for the Power Macintosh, at your local store today. Flying Nightmares, like Out of the Sun, will run on any Mac 68030 or better. If you like this demo, you will love Flying Nightmares and Out of the Sun.
This demo will give you a brief insight into a partial senario of the program. To install the demo, follow these instructions and enjoy:
1. Place the demo disk in your disk drive.
2. Open the disk by double clicking on the disk icon.
3. Double click on the "install OOTS" icon.
4. This will bring up the install menu. Click "install" to start the installation process.
The installation program will install the game on to your hard drive in a folder entitled
"Out of The Sun". To run the program, open the folder and click on the Out of The Sun icon
(the small plane). Enjoy your flight.
General Controls----->
W -Wheel brakes
G -Landing gear (raise/lower)
S -Flaps
1-0 -Throttle (1 lowest, 0 highest)
E -Engine off/on
B -Air/Dive brakes
<space> -fire weapons
<delete> -select weapon
esc. -exit to menu
If you are using the keyboard to control the plane, use the arrow keys accordingly.
Once you are outside, use the following commands to move around your plane.
F7 -pan to the left
F8 -pan to the right
F9 -pan up
F10 -pan down
<option>V -inside view
Once you are back inside, use the following commands to move around.
F4 -look up (This is good for close combat. It give you a larger view of the action.)
F7 -pan to the left
F8 -pan to the right
****If you are using a non-enhanced keyboard, use the <apple> key while holding the number
used in the function key (ex. F7, you use <option> 7). This will work in the same manner as
the function keys.
O -Flyby view (This is a good view when the action get hot. This will give you an
outside view of the action.) Press the <apple>V key to get you back
in the cockpit view.
P -You and your closest enemy view (This is also a good view when the action get hot.
This view keeps you and your cloest enemy in one
screen.) **This view will only work when you are
already in an outside view.**
Look for more exciting Advanced Sim Series flight sims from Domark in the coming months. Flying Nightmares and Out of The Sun are available through MacConnection, MacZone, CD-Rom Warehouse, ComputerWare, and 1(800)-695-GAME. Order your copy today!